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Study In Denmark

Study in Denmark: Your Global Education Destination

When you decide to study in Denmark, you can benefit from a supportive environment that encourages international students to integrate into Danish society. The ISIC simplifies the immigration process, making it easier for you to transition to life in Denmark. While learning Danish is not mandatory for all programs, acquiring the language can enhance your experience and improve your communication skills during your stay.

The ISIC has made a good name in Denmark because of all the immigrating medical experts it has helped in settling there in the past. The ISIC will process an application for you if you want to get the residence permit for the purpose of obtaining Danish authorization as a doctor, dentist or nurse. The application then has to be submitted to the Danish Agency for International Recruitment and Integration (SIRI).

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Why Choose Denmark for Your Studies

World-Class Education

Denmark boasts a long-standing reputation for providing world-class education. Its universities consistently rank among the top in global university rankings, offering a wide range of programs in various fields of study. Whether you aspire to delve into engineering, social sciences, or the arts, Denmark’s educational institutions have you covered.

Innovative Teaching Methods

One of the key reasons why Denmark is a preferred destination for students worldwide is its innovative teaching methods. The Danish education system emphasizes critical thinking, creativity, and student engagement. Professors encourage active participation and open discussions, fostering a dynamic learning environment that prepares students for the challenges of the future.

English-Taught Programs

For international students, the language barrier can be a significant concern. However, Denmark eliminates this hurdle by offering a plethora of English-taught programs. This means you can pursue your dream degree without having to master the Danish language beforehand, making education more accessible and inclusive.

If you have received training as a medical doctor, dentist, or nurse in a country other than Denmark, you can apply for a residence permit in Denmark. This permit allows you to learn Danish and complete the necessary professional tests to obtain Danish authorization as a doctor, dentist, or nurse.

A residence permit issued for the purpose of obtaining authorization does not automatically grant you the right to work. Therefore, you must apply separately for a work permit in connection with the “employment for adaptation and training purposes” (evalueringsansættelse) as part of the authorization process.

If you already have a Danish residence permit, e.g. as an accompanying family member to a foreign national working or studying in Denmark, you do not need to apply for a new permit. You can use your current permit to complete the process required by the Danish Patient Safety Authority for you to be able to obtain a Danish authorization as a doctor, as a dentist, or as a nurse.

To obtain Danish authorization as a doctor, dentist, or nurse, you must meet certain conditions in order to be granted a permit to stay in Denmark.

Approval from the Danish Patient Safety Authority

The Danish Patient Safety Authority must have approved your medical or dental training. You must submit a copy of the approval along with your application for a residence permit.

You must be able to support yourself and any family members accompanying you

To support yourself and any accompanying family members during your initial six-month stay in Denmark, you must provide documentation of sufficient funds. This documentation needs to be submitted along with your application. It is crucial to ensure that you have the financial means necessary for your stay. Therefore, you should include the required financial documentation when applying.

It is essential to demonstrate your financial stability for the first half-year of your stay. Therefore, ensure that you have the necessary financial resources and gather the required documentation to meet this requirement. Submitting these funds along with your application will help facilitate a smooth process for your stay in Denmark.

You must document that you have (2022 level):

  • DKK 37.368 if you do not have any family accompanying you to Denmark
  • DKK 74.736 if you bring your spouse with you to Denmark
  • DKK 89.664 if you bring your spouse and one or several children with you to Denmark
  • DKK 74.736 if you bring one or several children with you to Denmark (but no spouse)

Documentation of your ability to support yourself and any accompanying family members could for example be a bank statement. Such a bank statement must not be more than 30 days old.

What can you do with a Danish residence permit for the purpose of obtaining authorization as a doctor, dentist, or nurse? – and what can’t you do?


A residence permit for the purpose of obtaining a Danish authorization as a doctor, dentist or nurse does not give you the right to work.

You must therefore apply for a work permit to be allowed to work – also if it concerns ‘Employment for adaptation and training purposes’ .

You can also apply for a permit for other work. If you apply, you must submit a specific contract or job offer with salary and terms of employment corresponding to Danish standards.

There are no requirements for the type of job, and it does not have to be full time employment.

If you are granted a permit for other work, it will not be valid for longer than the period of time you have been granted a residence permit for the purpose of obtaining a Danish authorization. The permit makes it possible for you to receive an income during the authorization process.

However, you are permitted to take unpaid voluntary work for an organization or association, if the work is a benefit to society. You do not need to apply for a work permit to take unpaid voluntary work.


A residence permit allows you to stay in Denmark during the period when your permit is valid.

In addition, a permit allows you to stay in the Schengen area for up to 90 days within the latest 180 days period. The permit, however, does not allow you to work in other Schengen countries.

You must not give up your Danish address or stay abroad for longer than 6 successive months. A violation will result in the lapse of your permit. This means that you will lose your right to stay in Denmark.

If you need to stay abroad for an extended period of time, you can apply for dispensation to prevent your permit from lapsing.

Public benefits

You must be able to support yourself and your family during your stay. Therefore, you are not allowed to receive public benefits, e.g. benefits under the terms of the Active Social Policy Act and housing benefits – and there might be other benefits that you cannot receive.

If you or your family members receive such benefits during your stay, your permit can be revoked – and you will lose the right to stay in Denmark.

If an authority, e.g. a municipality, disburses benefits to foreign nationals, SIRI will be notified.

Danish lessons

With a residence permit in Denmark, you are entitled to free Danish lessons. However, you must have turned 18 years and have your Danish address registered in the Danish National Register.

If you have a residence permit in Denmark based on work, study, etc. you have to pay a deposit before you can start receiving lessons. Be aware that you can lose your deposit if you do not pass the different modules within a specific timeframe.

Your municipality of residence is obliged to offer you Danish lessons and refer you to a language center. If you have not been offered Danish lessons within a month after registering your address in Denmark, you can contact your municipality.

You will (typically) be taught together with other foreign nationals who have arrived in Denmark recently.

Additional information

If you are going to stay and work in Denmark there are a number of things to acquaint yourself with. Depending on your personal situation, you might need other important information and options.

The portal lifeindenmark.dk provides you with information, links and in many cases also options concerning the most important subjects such as:

The CPR register
Health card
Tax matters
Holiday entitlements
School and daycare
Danish lessons
Car registration and driver’s license

If you are offered so-called ‘employment for adaptation and training purposes’ (evalueringsansættelse) at a Danish hospital, you must apply for a work permit. You must not begin working before you have been granted a permit.

Salary and terms of employment must correspond to Danish standards during your employment for adaptation and training purposes.

You are a doctor or a dentist

Initially we can grant you a residence permit for 3 years.

You can extend the permit for an additional 2 years if you can provide documentation showing that you have successfully passed the Danish language test required to obtain Danish authorization.

It is very important that you apply for an extension before your permit expires – this applies to your residence permit as well as to any work permit you may have applied for.

If you submit your application for an extension in time, you are allowed to stay in Denmark and continue to work while we process your case.  This applies even though your permit expires before SIRI has made a decision in your application for extension.

You are a nurse

We can grant you a residence permit for 3 years.

The permit can not be extended beyond the 3 years

Shorter validity because your passport expires

A residence permit can only be valid until 90 days before the expiry date of your passport.

If your passport has a shorter validity than the otherwise possible period of stay, immigration authorities will shorten your residence permit. This means that they will reduce the validity of your residence permit, making it shorter than it could be. Once you have renewed your passport, you can apply for an extension of your residence permit – however, you can only do this 3 months before your permit expires at the earliest.

A residence permit with the purpose of obtaining authorisation in Denmark allows your family to come with you to Denmark.

A permit can be granted to your spouse, registered or cohabiting partner as well as children under above the age 18 living at home.

If you have allready entered Denmark and reside here on a visiting visa when you file your application, you have to be aware of the risk of a penalty period.

If you file your application for a residence permit with the purpose of obtaining Danish authorization while you are residing in Denmark on a visiting visa, it can have have as a consequence that for a period of 5 years you will not be able to receive further visiting visas to Denmark. This will have consequences for you if your application for a residence permit with the purpose of obtaining Danish authorization is denied, and you after your return to your home country again wish to visit Denmark.

You must submit an application for a residence permit to the Danish Agency for International Recruitment and Integration (SIRI). if you intend to obtain Danish authorization as a doctor, dentist, or nurse.

 If you are in Denmark when submitting your application, you must be here legally.

You can find the relevant application form, XG1, on the “How to apply” tab to right. You can choose between an online form and a paper form. It is best to use the online form as it is both safer and more efficient. 

If you receive an offer of “employment for adaptation and training purposes” (evalueringsansættelse), you must apply for a work permit.

Please be aware that SIRI will generally reject your residence permit application if you submit it prematurely in relation to your desired start date for your stay in Denmark.

If you submit such an application earlier than 6 months before your stay in Denmark will begin, you can expect a refusal to your application. If you have paid SIRI’s case processing fee, you will not receive a refund of the fee.

SIRI will contact you or your employer if we need further information to process your case.